Some additional requirements which could be counted for grant of CPE hours was discussed. At the request of some of the RVOs, it was decided that CPE hours for conferences/seminars would be given for the duration of technical sessions. The existing requirements, which could be counted for CPE along with other terms and conditions, which were decided in the previous monthly meetings were compiled at one place for ease of reference, and these, along with the new requirements as agreed during the meeting are placed
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An RV is required to undertake a minimum of 10 credit Hours of CPE in each financial year and a minimum of 48 credit hours of CPE in each rolling block of 3 years. Since, the block for three years is completed on 31 st March, 2023, accordingly after detailed deliberations it was decided that there will be a rolling block of 4 years and RV is required to earn a minimum of 64 credit hours in each block year.